Andre Schoch yra Berliner Philharmoniker narys nuo 2017 m., o nuo 2021 m. eina pakaitinio profesoriaus pareigas Manheimo muzikos ir scenos menų universitete. 2014–2017 m. jis buvo Hamburgo filharmonijos orkestro pagrindinis trimitininkas. Prieš tai Deutsche Oper Berlin ir Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. Kaip solistas Schoch koncertavo su Hamburgo filharmonijos orkestru, diriguojamu Kento Nagano, Lenkijos Kammerphilharmonie, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,…
Andreas Martin Hofmeir, who at present is certainly one of the best and most versatile instrumentalists, loves to commute between different genres: he is professor at the Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, founded the popular Bavarian band LaBrassBanda, works as orchestra conductor and has received numerous awards both as a cabaret artist and as a musician, most…
Annamia Larsson is the principal Horn of the Gävle Symphony Orchestra, Sweden. She studied at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm, and the Universität für Darstellende Kunst und Musik, Vienna, starting her orchestral career in the Verbier Festival Orchestra before becoming Co-principal horn of the Royal Opera in Stockholm at the age of 21. Annamia…
Chano Domínguez is one of the most celebrated jazz musicians „recruited” by flamenco. Although Chano had already learned flamenco –the first instrument he learned to play, by ear, was the guitar- he also ventured into rock with his keyboard. Before he descended fully onto the flamenco scene with his “Chano Domínguez Trío”, he had already…
Eric Aubier entered Maurice Andre’s class at the CNSM of Paris at the age of 14 where he was the youngest graduate at the time earning three first prizes. He later won various prizes in international competitions in Prague, Toulon and Paris and Rolf Liebermann named Eric Aubier the solo trumpet for the Paris Opera…
Gabriele Cassone received his conservatory diploma in Trumpet following studies with Mario Catena, and in Composition studying with Luciano Chailly. He is world renowned not only as a historical artist performing on original instruments (Baroque natural trumpet, Classical keyed trumpet, rotary valve trumpet and piston cornet), but enjoys an equal fame as a…
Kauno bigbendo vyr. dirigentas Jievaras Jasinskis – jaunosios kartos trombonininkas, aranžuotojas ir kompozitorius. Gimė 1989 metais, Vilniuje. 2008 metais baigė Balio Dvariono muzikos mokyklą, 2012 metais Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademijoje (LMTA) įgijo trombono specialybės bakalauro laipsnį, o 2021 metais baigė LMTA kompozicijos studijų magistrą. Įvairiems orkestrams ir grupėms aranžavo ir orkestravo virš 1500 dainų,…
After completing his studies at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm, in 1987, Jonas Bylund was principal trombone of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1988 he won 1st prize at the international soloist competition CIEM and in 1989 the ARD-Wettbewerb in Munich. Jonas was later principal trombone of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic and Bamberger Symphoniker. Jonas…
Karolis Šarkus (25) yra jaunąją Lietuvos džiazo kartą atstovaujantis saksofonistas ir kompozitorius. Šalies spauda apibūdino jį kaip daug žadantį jauną atlikėją. Karolis savo muzikinį kelią pradėjo kaip klasikinės muzikos saksofonistas, tačiau atradus ir pažinus džiazo muziką kryptis kiek pasikeitė ir tokia išliko iki dabar. Karolis šio stiliaus mokėsi tiek džiazo tėvynėje JAV pas Dick Oatts,…
Born in Cadiz to a musical family, Pablo delved into the flamenco and jazz worlds from a very young age. His father, the GRAMMY-winning flamenco-jazz pianist Chano Dominguez, immersed him in a wealth of musical talent including such legendary names such as Tomatito, Luis de la Pica, Antonio Serrano, Piraña and Blas Cordoba. Following this…
Moore displays an eloquence and nobility that one might have thought impossible except by the human voice,’ effused BBC Music Magazine. Indeed, his sensitivity of expression, command of technique and versatility has made Peter Moore one of the most exciting and well-respected exponents of the trombone today. Born in Belfast and brought up in Greater…
Sándor Szabó was born in Siófok (Hungary) in 1982. He has been principal trombonist of the Badische Staatskapelle Karlsruhe since 2004. He studied trombone at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg im Breisgau with Prof. Branimir Slokar and graduated with a Master’s degree in 2006. Since his student days, he has played as a regular guest…
Spanish Brass is one of the most dynamic and highly regarded chamber music groups on the international music scene. They have participated in some of the most prestigious venues and festivals around the globe, as well as such honored moments as the gala award ceremony of the Principe de Asturias Prize, and recording the music…
Stockholm Chamber Brass was founded in 1988 by five young Swedish musicians to play chamber music together. In 1988, with funding from the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, SCB decided to travel to Narbonne, France, to perform at the International Competition for Brass Quintets. The group won 1st Prize and began its over 35 year…
‘Vilnius JJazz ensemble’ – tai 17-iolikos profesionalių džiazo muzikantų orkestras įkurtas trombonininko, kompozitoriaus bei aranžuotojo Jievaro Jasinskio. Kolektyvas debiutavo 2017 metais džiazo festivalyje “Broma Jazz” Kėdainiuose. Ten orkestras pasirodė kartu su vokaliniu ansambliu ‘The Backs’ ir atliko Jievaro Jasinskio ir Dorotėjos Būdaitės kurtas dainas, bei Liutauro Janušaičio ir J. Jasinskio originalias instrumentines kompozicijas. Lithuanian JJazz…